Understanding Solar Panel Warranties: A Comprehensive Guide

September 5, 2023


Solar panel warranties are more than just a piece of paper; they are a crucial safety net for anyone considering investing in solar energy. They offer a guarantee that you get the most out of your solar panels. This guide aims to demystify what solar panel warranties mean, how to interpret and compare them, why they are beneficial, and how long you can expect your solar panels to keep on producing energy.

Table of Contents

1. Types of Solar Panel Warranties
2. Why Solar Panel Warranties are Important
3. How to Compare Warranties
4. What Warranties Don't Cover
5. Transferability and Other Factors
6. Additional Tips
7. Conclusion

Types of Solar Panel Warranties

Performance Warranty

A performance warranty guarantees that the solar panel will not degrade below a certain percentage over a specified period, usually 25 to 30 years. This type of warranty is essential because solar panels naturally degrade over time. A common performance warranty might guarantee at least 90% production for the first ten years and at least 80% for up to 25 years.

Product Warranty

This warranty covers defects in material or workmanship and typically lasts between 10 to 25 years. If a panel fails due to manufacturing defects, environmental issues, or premature wear, the manufacturer will usually replace it. Some warranties even cover the full system for as long as 25 years.

Installation Warranty

Some solar installation companies offer additional warranties that cover the workmanship of the installation. These can vary in length but are generally shorter than product or performance warranties. They ensure that any issues caused by the installation process are covered.

Inverter and Other Component Warranties

Apart from the panels, other components like inverters and batteries also come with their warranties. These usually range from 5 to 25 years and are equally important to consider when evaluating the overall warranty package.

Why Solar Panel Warranties are Important

1. Financial Security: Warranties protect your investment by covering the costs of repairs or replacements. Without a warranty, you could find yourself facing significant out-of-pocket expenses.

2. Longevity: A longer warranty period often indicates higher quality and durability of the solar panels. It's a manufacturer's vote of confidence in their product.

3. Resale Value: Transferable warranties can make your home more attractive to potential buyers. It's an added layer of security that many homebuyers appreciate.

4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you're covered for an extended period allows you to enjoy the benefits of solar energy without constant worry.

How to Compare Warranties

1. Length of Warranty: Longer is generally better. A 25-year warranty is usually a good sign.

2. Coverage: Make sure it covers both performance and product aspects. Some warranties offer a combination of both.

3. Transferability: Check if the warranty can be transferred to a new homeowner. This is crucial if you plan to sell your home in the future.

4. Limitations and Exclusions: Understand what is not covered so you can take preventive measures.

5. Manufacturer's Reputation: A warranty is only as good as the company backing it. Research the manufacturer's track record in honoring warranties.

What Warranties Don't Cover

1. Labor and Shipping Costs: Some warranties do not cover the cost of labor for replacement or shipping costs. You may need to budget for these separately.

2. Acts of Nature: Damages due to natural disasters like floods, fires, or earthquakes are usually not covered.

3. Unauthorized Repairs: Any repair or modification not authorized by the manufacturer can void the warranty.

Transferability and Other Factors

If you sell your home, most warranties are transferable to the new homeowner. However, you may need to take specific steps to ensure a smooth transfer. Always check the fine print and consult with your warranty provider for exact details.

Additional Tips

1. Read the Fine Print: Always read the warranty document carefully. If you don't understand something, consult with a legal advisor.

2. Keep All Documents: Store all warranty documents, invoices, and related paperwork in a safe place. You'll need them if you ever have to make a claim.

3. Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintaining your solar panels can help you avoid situations that might void your warranty.


Understanding and comparing solar panel warranties are crucial steps in your solar investment journey. They not only provide a safety net for your investment but also serve as an indicator of the quality and reliability of the product.

Always do your due diligence and remember, the cheapest option is not always the best when it comes to long-term sustainability and peace of mind.

If you want to learn more about the warranties we offer at DIY Solar, fill out this form and we will text you soon!

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