Free Solar Energy Consulation

No obligation and no pushy sales bros. Just a simple solar energy consultation.

Solar Lacks Transparency

With sales bros trying to sell you on solar, they will often leave out a bunch of critical details.

The details they leave out include:

  • If you will actually benefit from government incentives for solar
  • If you really need as big of system size as they recommend
  • Whether the equipment is high quality
  • If net metering is as good as they claim it to be
  • Whether you can install solar yourself and save money (the answer is yes!)

This lack of transparency is exactly why we started DIY Solar!

As such, we want to offer you a free solar energy consultation with one of our experts.

What Will Be Covered?

With our helpful energy consultant, you can discuss:

  • How big of a system size will offset your electricity usage and whether you could go with a smaller system
  • Different equipment providers and warranties
  • The process of DIY solar installation and its benefits
  • Government incentives for solar
  • How much you hate door-to-door sales bros (we like to talk about that too)

So start by filling out the form and we will get in contact with you soon!

Fill out the form!

We will text you soon.

FREE Lion Prowler Power Bank

$49 Value
Lion Energy Prowler Power Bank
When you pay your deposit within 5 days of receiving your quote.  (Learn more)

FREE Lion Summit Power Generator

$499 Value
When you pay in full within 30 days of making your deposit.  (Learn more)
Our solar equipment is top quality

Quality Equipment

Same equipment as the more expensive guys with the same 25 year warranty.

Our DIY solar kits are easy to install

Easy Install

We offer both DIY and full install options so you have the control and flexibility you need.

Save money with DIY Solar

BIG Savings

We cut out the door knockers and middlemen, allowing you to get solar you can actually afford!